In addition to the public group classes listed on the Current Classes page, we teach one-on-one private lessons as well as private small groups (coaching for bands and choruses, dance ensembles learning specific songs for a choreography, friends or family members taking a private class together, small group masterclass on a specific topic, etc.) and large groups (music schools, universities, festivals, táncház, summer camps, conferences, etc.). These classes are held in person in Budapest, in other cities/countries with travel arrangements, and online for people around the world.
Beyond learning folk songs, frequently requested topics include an introduction to the style, locating specific recordings or song words, pronunciation coaching, feedback and corrections on a song before a performance or recording, and stylistic vocal technique. See more possible topics below.
Feel free to inquire about something not listed here, and if outside of our work, we will try to refer you to the appropriate specialist.
Please either fill out the Registration Form or contact us directly with your inquiry.

Teaching formats:
In-person or online (Zoom)
Kids, teens, or adults - all ages and levels
Hungarian pronunciation classes (various levels, individual or group)
Private folk singing lessons (one-time or ongoing, typically 1 hour long but can be shorter or longer)
Professional feedback and coaching
Group folk singing classes (public or private, small group or large group, one-time or class series -- choruses, school music classes, workshops, festivals, summer camps, etc.)
Co-teaching and hosting guest teachers (master singers, musicians, and scholars from Hungary)
Lectures (see topics below)
- Singing Workshop / Lecture / Concert combinations (visit the Vadalma page or contact us about other concert options)

Regions taught:
Kalotaszeg (region in Transylvania)
Mezőség (region in Transylvania), in particular villages Szék and Magyarszovát
Maros-Küküllők vidéke (region in Transylvania), in particular villages Magyarlapád, Magyarbece, Magyarózd
Gyimes (valley in Carpathian mountains, Transylvania)
Bukovina (east of Carpathian mountains)
Moldva (Moldavia)
Felföld (former Northern Hungary), in particular Palócföld and villages Magyarbőd and Imreg (with harmony singing)
Dunántúl (Transdanubia), in particular Somogy and Balaton-felvidék
Sampler - variety of songs from various regions, including regions not listed above, such as Dél-Alföld, Szatmár, Szilágyság, Székelyföld, etc.

Class and lecture topics:
Introduction to Hungarian folk music
Hungarian folk singing in the traditional village context
Folk singing vocal technique and exercises
Hungarian folk music instruments
History of song collecting and folk music revival in HU
Contemporary folk music revival in Budapest
Resources for study (archives, institutions, media, etc.)
Teaching and study methodology in the style
Lessons learned from folk song collecting work
Hungarian pronunciation in detail (for singers)
Notation issues in Hungarian folk song transcription
Symbolism in Hungarian folk songs lyrics
North American Hungarian diaspora
History of the San Francisco Népdalkör and Vadalma
... and other topics upon request

Song types:
Dance songs (csárdás, lassú, kanásztánc, karikázó, etc.)
Plaintive/grieving songs (keserves)
Songs sung during evening weaving (fonó, guzsalyas)
Love and courtship songs
Shepherds' songs
Seasonal songs - springtime, Christmas, etc.
... and more
Songs for folk dancers
Advanced songs for experienced singers