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Music of Elderflowers
Hungarian village folk songs in handmade arrangements
Magyar népdalok kézműves átiratban
(A little tip: you'll have a better listening experience with headphones or a good speaker than just the phone or laptop speaker!)

Zina Bozzay - voice, arrangements
/ ének, hangszerelés, zeneszerzés
Matthew Szemela - violin / hegedű
Misha Khalikulov - cello / cselló
Guests / Vendégek:
Éva Fábián - voice / ének, ütőgardon
Andrea Navratil - voice / ének
Gergely Agócs - Transdanubian long flute / furulya
Total time: 65 minutes
Összidő: 65 perc
Recorded by János Mazura, Etnofon Studios, Budapest, Hungary
Producer: Zina Bozzay
Release date: November 16, 2018
Label: Elder Records (USA), ELD-013
Distributor: Stereo Kft., Budapest, Hungary
CD packaging made with natural materials
(digipak with disk tray made of sugarcane)

Video clips - live shows
Vadalma at Fonó
Budapest, Hungary, March 2018
Esik eső
(Live concert audio of Vadalma trio -
video also shows special guests from other parts of the concert)
Vadalma at Week of Hungarian Culture
Szatmárnémeti, Romania, January 2019
with Helga Debreczeni-Kis and Kinga Korsós
Vadalma performing live on Kult'30
Budapest, Hungary, January 2019
(with English subtitles)
Esik eső
Vadalma at Fonó
Budapest, Hungary, March 2018
Palatkai sűrű csárdás
with guest Andrea Navratil
Vadalma at Fonó
Budapest, Hungary, March 2018
with guest Éva Fábián
Vadalma at The Starry Plough
Berkeley Balkan Bacchanal, CA, USA, February 2017
0:00 ~ Én az éjjel
2:30 ~ Még az úton
Vadalma at Studio Grand
Oakland, CA, USA, September 2016
Te azt hiszed & Nem akar az ökörcsorda legelni
with Attila Mihó, István Berecz, Réka Büres on tour from Hungary
Vadalma at Community Music Center
San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2017
Régi szeretőmér'
Vadalma at Studio Grand
Oakland, CA, USA, September 2016
Set of folk songs from Gyimes, Transylvania
3:30 Édesanyám mért szültél a világra
5:30 Esik eső
8:10 Édes kicsi galambom
Vadalma at Community Music Center
San Francisco, CA, USA, October 2016
Kicsi tulok
Video clips - TV features
All videos in Hungarian have English subtitles (turn on CC)
Zina Bozzay - Öt kontinens
December 2019
Zina Bozzay live interview on Ma Reggel
January 2019
Ambassador of Hungarian folksong
Profile of Zina Bozzay and Vadalma
"Öt Kontinens" (Five Continents) - Duna World TV
February 2018
Zina Bozzay - Öt kontinens
May 2019
Vadalma live on Kult'30
January 2019
"Ma reggel" Hungarian live TV program
Interview with Zina Bozzay and István Berecz
March 2018